
Ànima Dreaming

Your feet never touch the ground, you’re always in the cloud.

You don’t need to board a plane to travel, there are no limits or borders, because whenever you let your imagination fly around the thousands of windows open on your laptop, you reach magical and extraordinary places that cannot be seen on any known map.

Call it whatever you like – clairvoyance, clarity or instinct, but the truth is that you are cable to create new worlds from nothing more than a few clicks, simply with the force of your inspiration and fantasy.

Like the best mushroom hunters, you find the most surprising ideas on the most unexpected websites and blogs, because observing the reality surrounding us from a different perspective is one of your gifts.

Anyone looking for you will find you on Google, but also in the clouds. What better place from which see the whole world from an exceptional perspective?

The fact that a piece of wood that we call tió and cover with a blanket brings us the best gifts each Christmas can only be the result of the endless imagination of the dreaming souls. Call it imagination, call it boredom.

Favorite quote
“When I sleep, then I see clearly.”

Other dreaming souls
Pau Casals was not just one of the most important cellists in history, but furthermore his El cant dels ocells made us believe that peace in the world is possible.
Salvador Dalí, with his melting watches and tigers escaping from the mouths of fish, made surrealism with a barretina hat and a moustache world famous.
Núria Espert has been, is and will remain one of the great dames of our theatre, making us dream with Medea, Electra or Fedra, among many others.