
Ànima Enterprising

If you are sure, no troll will be able to stop you.

You’re an idealist, but you have your feet firmly on the ground. Your ideas never stay in the notes of your computer, but you see them through to the end, at any cost. The greater the challenge the better!

There aren’t enough hours in the day, but you make the very most of each minute of your smartwatch. You have a vision of the future, you know how to plan, and also how to improvise. You organize, manage, lead, make decisions, connect talent, find resources under stones, take risks, look for solutions, and all with a beaming smile (it is said that you’ve never been serious on the selfie, in fact you don’t have much time for selfies).

Your passion is contagious. You inspire and you are inspired, you learn and you teach, you are patient but also impetuous, the perfect mix of yin and yang, or as you like to say, of Mac and PC.

An optimist by nature, and an on-line community manager by calling, you are always making the perfect line up for your team, because you are aware that you have to travel with the best company possible if you want to go far.

Thanks to enterprising souls like you, we were capable of organizing the best Olympic Games in history. And we will soon be capable of being able to Olympically wash our hands of pandemics.

Favorite quote
“A job well done knows no boundaries.”

Other enterprising souls
Ermessenda de Carcassona, the most powerful woman in our history, governed the counties of Barcelona, Girona and Osona in the 11th century.
Vicenç Ferrer fought poverty in India, creating 1,696 schools, 4,978 women’s associations, 17 hospitals and 30,000 homes for the most disadvantaged.
Enric Bernat, with a stick and a sweet, not only created Chupa Chups but also helped Johan Cruyff stop smoking.